If you are joining my Alexander Technique class for the first time and you’re a beginner student, there are a few things you need to know to prepare you to understand what I’m saying to allow for a pleasing experience. Be patient with yourself, if this is all new. There are terms I will use here, to prepare you for the class. I will keep things as simple as possible, as this is simple, really. An attitude of curiosity and openness will also allow your nervous system to more easily accept the experiential changes that will occur. You’re going to feel lighter and more at ease by the end of the class, I promise! Welcome!!
There are three principles: Awareness, Inhibition and Direction. One cannot allow a habit to be changed unless one is aware of it in the first place. Once one is aware of the habit, one can refrain from allowing that practiced message go through the nervous system again, by inhibiting the habit; saying ‘no’ to the habit and allowing a pause, time for one to rethink one’s intention and action. Next is direction. FM Alexander found that speaking directly to the nervous system, commanding it to speak to different parts of the body, allowed the person, to get out of the way, and let it happen within the body. That is known as non-doing. This was FM’s script—Saying aloud or within yourself: “ I allow my neck to be free, to allow my head to go forward and up, to allow my spine to lengthen, and my back to widen, my legs to release away from my torso and my shoulders to widen.” Saying this, is giving the body it’s directions. Before, during and after movement. One is not doing with one’s motor system, lengthening one’s neck or back, but is thinking it. By thinking, the body is allowed to communicate within itself, and the old habit is undone, with repetition of inhibition and practice of direction. This is key!
The body consists of three parts that creates a healthy dynamic opposition: head, torso and legs. The head goes forward and UP. The Torso, follows the up in lengthening and widening. The legs release away from the torso, meaning the femur balls in the hip socket are thought to release away from the socket, to give more space in the joint and joint fluid. So, in ‘lie down’ in a ‘constructive rest’ position with the knees to the ceiling and the back and head on the floor mat, the Up is the head moving beyond the head, the down is towards the feet going away from the soles of the feet, the forward is the face to the ceiling, back is towards the floor and wide is out the ears and across the torso.
More will be given in the class about all this, as different aspects will be highlighted each class. I often begin the class with a ‘lie down’, to allow gravity to undo habits and relieve one of standing effort as you notice your response habits. Then, we may do some ‘chair work’ which is an Alexander form of allowing the habits to release in the movement in and out of the chair or some other activity. We will not be ‘end gaining’, but will be process oriented -- thinking, not just accomplishing the task, but HOW one approaches it, responds and follows through with Awareness, Inhibition and Direction.
Ok, I hope this is enough to pique your curiosity and not overwhelm you. Just let these terms pass through you, don’t try to hold on to them, they will be repeated often in the course of the 60 minute class. Just listen and allow!
Feel free to ask me questions before the class via the 'contact me' page, as well as in the course of the class.
~ Cate/ The Listening Body
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About the workshop: It is about seeing, by drawing the bones ie: femur, clavicle, foot, pelvis etc., you connect what you see and translate that into drawing and thereby embodying the bone and it's relationship with the whole of you. In the act of looking, what do you see and how can you draw it, staying with yourself, using the Alexander Technique principles of Awareness, Inhibition and Direction.
I will be putting 'thinking hands'-on to support each person while drawing, to interrupt eye and neck straining habits, and individual turns of chair work to begin.
I am combining my experiential, anatomy, art and Alexander Technique practices together to create a unique communal experience! I hope you'll join us in the spirit of playfulness and an openness to learning new things about yourself!
All drawing supplies are included and provided.
These fall classes are held in my studio in the East Village, which holds 4 students comfortably and saves you on paying for another studio's rental fee!
NO where else can you get Alexander Technique hands-on, art and anatomy for an hour and a half!! :)
It is meant to give you an experiential means to deeply embody your own bones and your seeing, whether you have had an Alexander Technique experience or not or are interested in anatomy, art or mindfulness for your personal process. If you have tension in your body and stress, this can bring relief and a skill to take away.
When asked after the 2019 Bone-Art series one student reported:
What did you enjoy most in the classes? The giving nature of Cate and the quality of other students.
What surprised you that you discovered? I was surprised at how difficult it was to keep aware of posture when drawing.
How have the experiences in the class made you aware of your use and movement patterns? I am more aware of efficiency of movement.
~Nancy Z. NYC
As one of my student's noted after the workshop: "I signed up for Cate's six workshops even though I have no skills in drawing. It was very gratifying to be able to draw the bones; much easier than I expected. The workshop combined various activities that kept me engaged with Cate's seamless transition between the activities. Cate's hands-on work came in perfect timing throughout the session. Because of the work, I felt more connected to my femurs, knowing exactly where they were - a new kinesthetic experience!" - M. Al-Kazemi, 2017
This workshop was specially designed for a yoga studio that focuses on back pain and addressing scoliosis.
I combine techniques that I personally used to unwind my scoliosis, the Alexander Technique and introduced a philosophy of how the spine and spirit interface.
I can craft a class or workshop to suit your community or organization's needs.
I offer unique classes you won't find anywhere else!
Whether you are looking to improve your posture, healing an injury, or becoming more aware of your psychophysical habits, the Alexander Technique handles it all, holistically.
Book your 1st ALEXANDER LESSON today !