There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about how you can help yourself solve your body-mind communication, and reduce any pain you may be suffering from repeated mis-use or injury.
Cate brings 33 years of experience to helping you get closer to yourself!
At the first lesson, I introduce the principles during table work and chair work. Also, I take your picture, front, right, left, back side to establish the ground from where we begin and every nine lessons I take another set so you can compare your growth. Please wear flexible comfortable clothing.
So, you've had your first lesson and you're back for another! Great. If you don't want to purchase a package of lessons, but take it one at a time, this is where to do that. Welcome back! Let's keep that change going!
Investing in a 9 lesson package assures you you are in the process of changing your body-mind habits, and reducing pain.
Buy it for yourself or a loved one, it's an investment in your well being.
You're worth it!
This guided Lie Down audio gives you instructions on how to practice the principles at home.
Doing this simple 'lie down' regularly, deepens your understanding of the principles and increases the benefits of the private lessons.
"Cate, thank you. This is so helpful to have the guided lie down to keep me focused. Also, your voice is so beautiful." ~MET, NYC
"I adore it!" It's phenomenal!" ~Lindsey Vestal, @Functional Pelvis, NYC
"The 'lie down' is good practice with the moving the arms and legs, and it's nice to lie down and have it all done for me." ~Brooks B., NYC
Alexander Technique is accepted as a series of lifestyle modification techniques affecting the bodymind through a series of lessons. It also enables one to progressively undo one’s lifelong accumulation of habits of body misuse. It begins by assisting you to identify the tenacity of habit and how it triggers faulty sensory awareness. One also learns how to inhibit one's automatic response to stimuli, so one can respond consciously and freely choose the direction one wants to take with awareness. It uses a set of principles whereby one learns to use themselves in a more easeful way. Over a time of lessons, you learn how to do what you do, better. It is a psychophysical system that re-educates one's kinesthetic sense to more effectively coordinate the mind to body connection, thereby improving balance and posture. A means of multiplying movement choices and mental choices that effect your whole life!
Whether you are looking to improve your posture, healing an injury, or becoming more aware of your psychophysical habits, the Alexander Technique handles it all, holistically.
Book your 1st ALEXANDER LESSON today !